My whole journey including career and education until September 2022


I don't really like to flex. However, just in case you need it, this is what you ask for. Most of this information is already known in public or at least the person who has met me already knew it.

First thing first, my career. I was starting my formal career as a social media specialist at Skydu Academy 2020. It's just 2 months of intern experience and completely different from my daily basis right now. I'm starting my software engineering career in January 2021, I was accepted as a frontend intern at pabryk, a micro startup that provides a B2B marketplace. In my first 3 month internship, I was doing typical frontend things like creating the landing page and blog pages, developing the dashboard, connecting to the API, creating the state management, and so on. The tech stack is pure react, next js, WordPress (for headless CMS), graphQL, REST API, Redux, Tailwind CSS, and Chakra UI.

After like 3-4 months intern, I was promoted . It's not a paid job, but at least I have 1% company stock as compensation. I still do my daily bases like coding and bug fixing, but in my fulltime position I'm coordinating several other devs as frontend lead. I'm coordinating 3 people who have in charge of mobile apps (build by react native), seller dashboard, admin dashboard, and as my direct responsibility I'm in charge to maintain the main website. I was doing it for 4 months. In this position, I also have full admin authority to AWS service (EC2 and S3), niagahoster (WordPress hosting and database), vercel (frontend apps), the company GitHub account, and our official email.

After it, in October 2021, I was accepted as freelance frontend web dev at warung pintar. I'm not resigned yet from pabryk, because the CEO (Yarham Syahabi Lubis) still ask me to stay as frontend lead, just to coordinate some developers who actually write the code. And I accept it but don't mention it in my resume.

In my experience on warung pintar. I have been in charge of the main site, like implementing new designs from the UI designer and changing the content. I'm not developing the main site from zero because it's been there before I'm into the company, but what I do on daily basis is write the code in Gatsby JS, connect to the headless CMS via GraphQL, and to frontend SASS (there's no UI library, so I'm just doing it with pure CSS). You can see my work at the main site of warung pintar (

). I'm not doing all the things, but most of the new updates are actually my solo work.

In December 2021. I'm assigned to a completely new project called warung pintar impact, you can see it on (

). On this project, I completely write the code from zero, but with the pattern and design from the main site. I'm doing all the things, including the animation and responsivity. The project builds on the same tech stack from the main site like Gatsby JS, SASS, and GraphQL API. For the deployment to the production, the site reliability engineer was handle it for me so I just maintain the git repo. The project was finished on January 2022. After it, I just did my daily as a web dev maintainer, including our headless CMS because I'm the only software engineer who handles it, my first SPV was resigned during my first month at warung pintar and there's no SPV until now.

On March 2022, I was accepted as fronted dev at a Singapore company called HubbedIn. Of course, it's just a remote job, that's why I'm not migrating to Singapore. In my experience at HubbedIn, I'm not developing the main product of this company. I'm developing the internal omnichannel project, this is a typical omnichannel project that connects several marketplaces to one dashboard. The tech stack is pure react, redux, bootstrap, antd design, and chart js. I use full English as the language even though there are some Indonesian employees on HubbedIn. I have 3 months of experience on HubbedIn, but for the last one month, I'm also doing backend tasks like node js, mongo db, and microservices with rabbitmq. That's why I'm not interested to continue the contract because on the agreement I'm stated to just doing the frontend tasks.

And the interesting thing is, in my 3 months , experience at HubbedIn, I still doing my freelance frontend job on warung pintar. Guess what, in that 3 months I was doing 3 jobs at the same time and my salary reached two digits at that time with my junior experience. My experience ending on HubbedIn was the exact month for my last project as a freelance frontend at warung pintar ends. But until now, I'm still registered as freelance frotend dev on warung pintar, but without any active project, so there's no salary. I was even the last man on the engineering team at warung pintar because every engineering team I meet when doing a project already resigned, from SRE, my SPV, and also the HR generalist. Until now, I'm the one that still has authority over the main site and subdomain, even though I'm just a freelance employee.

In June and July, I have no active job. I'm still registered as freelance dev at warung pintar and frontend lead on pabryk but there's no active project. I can fully pay my monthly living cost because for the past 3 months from that time I had a high salary compared to the standard salary rate in Indonesia.

In early August, I'm accepted at a Norway company called, this company full-time inventory management and I'm into the development of their main product. The tech stack is pure react, blueprint js, redux, redux saga, and firebase. I have an almost perfect evaluation score on technical skills, but my manager isn't convenient with the way I work every day so I'm terminated after one month at that company. I don’t regret it because they just terminate me because of procedural things and not because of my skill. You can see my evaluation sheets below or ask my lead dev from Croatia (Ivan Antonic). There's nothing wrong with my work and skill.

Now, on September 2022 I have no active job. Even though I'm still freelance on warung pintar and frontend lead on pabryk. I don't have any income or salary. But it doesn't matter because I have enough saving from my past salary because it way too high for junior dev like me. I think my salary rate is comparable to senior dev in Jakarta.

My next career plan is, I want to directly apply to a US company as remote worker. I think I have enough competency, remembering my quick career progress. But I'll prefer a freelance contract over full-time because of their flexibility. Yeah, we can see what will happen next time.

Next, I wanna tell you about my education. I'm not include anything about my education on my resume. But if you were curious, I can tell you the whole story.

So, I was accepted as an awardee of the national scholarship program from SMART Ekselensia Indonesia in 2013. This school is a program from Dompet Dhuafa, a non-profit organization that maintains Ziswaf from the people around Indonesia. I was accepted to be a student who is in an acceleration program. So I just finished my junior and senior high school in 5 years. I'm doing my senior high school in just two years meanwhile an ordinary student just finished it in 3 years.

My achievement when I was a student is got perfect scores (literally 100) in every national math exam (elementary, junior, and senior high school), the first rank at the computer national science olympiad on Bogor regency level in 2017, the first rank at physics olympiad handled by UIN Jakarta on 2017, and doing all of it on ordinary boarding school who prohibited us to have a personal gadget and computer, just like ordinary pesantren.

I'm also the top tier students who graduated in 2018 and the only student accepted at the University of Indonesia with SBMPTN (yeah the yellow jackets, UI). I'm accepted at the faculty of computer science with an information system major.

I have a serious issue when doing my study. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2019 and must delay my study for one year. So, in 2020 I wasn't doing anything with my academic study. The doctor stated that I was normal in 2021, but I still have a monthly medical checkup and still consume several strong psychiatric medicines until now. There's nothing wrong with my life right now, I just consume specific drugs and everything is totally normal.

I'm continuing my study in 2021, but on August 2022 my faculty decided to drop outed me and it's totally okay. If you are curious, before I drop out from my campus, I'm still accepted as a freelance and full-time employee. The HR and management already knew I'm still a student at the University of Indonesia and still accepted me as an actual employee.

Yeah, that's why I'm not including anything about my educational background. Because there's nothing relevant to show.

For my soft and hard skills. I explicitly state this on my resume. I have expertise in frontend engineering and general web development. I even have some backend experience while doing my frontend job.

Also, my English skills are from conversational to professional tier. Because I already have real experience in some overseas companies with remote jobs. I write this thing fully with my ability. No google translate, just Grammarly which corrected my grammar.

I have a strong work ethic too. When I was in college, I join the student's executive board or in Indonesia we called it BEM. I join BEM UI in 2019 as staff of "Aksi dan Propaganda BEM UI 2019". I was doing many things with social movements from BEM UI including every protest to government and digital campaign. You can ask for my performance evaluation from Zafira Sastro Sudarmo who is the head of my division. She tells me that I'm doing my job very well in my one-year volunteering experience. Even though I'm diagnosed as Schizophrenic in 2019.

For those who ask about my personality. I'm genuinely INTP with a really introverted side. I don't really like being ruled by anyone, that's why I kinda hate formal education and formal on-site job. For example, I don’t write any academics note since high school, you can ask my math teacher (Dina Rahmawati) who is really pissed off because of it. But because I'm one of the best students in math class, she kinda accepts it.

Any interesting things? I was doing my "mini-thesis" when I was in high school as a requirement for my graduation. I'm writing about the implementation of a genetic algorithm to solve university timetabling problems and my teachers are really excited about that things, remembering I'm just a senior high school student at boarding school. You can ask Muhammad Ramdan who assist me during the research and writing. I'm not saving the softcopy of the program and also the hardcopy of the document, but my school is saving it too in the school library. But at least I can show to you the picture of that things.

Yeah, I think it’s enough for now. If you want to ask me something, you can reach me on my social media or by email. Thank you 😄
