Attention is All You Need


The conversation below is a little discussion regarding attention mechanism in transformer model with “Mistral Large” LLM


ASSISTANT: Hello! How can I assist you today?

HUMAN: Can you explain to me about the attention mechanism in Transformer?

ASSISTANT: Sure! The attention mechanism is a key component of the Transformer architecture, which is widely used in natural language processing tasks such as machine translation, text classification, and language modeling.

In a nutshell, the attention mechanism allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input sequence when generating each output element. This is important because it enables the model to capture long-range dependencies between words in the input sequence, which can be particularly useful in tasks like machine translation where the meaning of a word may depend on other words that are far apart in the sentence.

The attention mechanism in the Transformer works by computing a weighted sum of the input values, where the weights are determined by the similarity between the input values and a query vector. Specifically, given a set of input vectors , and a query vector q, the attention mechanism computes a set of output vectors as follows:

1. First, the input vectors are linearly transformed into a set of key vectors , value vectors , and query vectors . These transformations are learned during training and are typically implemented as dense layers.

2. Next, the attention weights are computed by taking the dot product of each query vector with each key vector, applying a softmax function to obtain a probability distribution over the input values, and then taking the weighted sum of the value vectors according to these probabilities. Formally, the attention weights for output vector and input value are computed as:

where is the dimensionality of the key vectors.

3. Finally, the output vectors are computed as a weighted sum of the input values, where the weights are given by the attention weights. Formally, the output vector is computed as:

The attention mechanism can be applied multiple times in parallel to form what is known as multi-head attention, where each head learns to attend to different aspects of the input sequence. The outputs of the different heads are then concatenated and linearly transformed to produce the final output of the attention layer.

In summary, the attention mechanism in the Transformer allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input sequence when generating each output element, enabling it to capture long-range dependencies and improve performance on a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

HUMAN: So, we can get the "main idea" from a certain sequence of tokens?

ASSISTANT: Yes, that's one way to think about it. The attention mechanism allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input sequence, which can be interpreted as identifying the most important or relevant tokens for generating each output element. By doing so, the model can effectively extract the "main idea" or "summary" of the input sequence, even if it contains multiple sentences or paragraphs.

For example, in a machine translation task, the attention mechanism might focus on different words or phrases in the source sentence depending on which word in the target sentence is being generated. By doing so, the model can effectively capture the meaning of the source sentence and generate a corresponding translation that accurately conveys that meaning in the target language.

Similarly, in a text classification task, the attention mechanism might focus on different words or phrases in the input text that are most relevant for predicting the correct class label. By doing so, the model can effectively identify the key features or aspects of the input text that are most informative for the classification task.

Overall, the attention mechanism in the Transformer provides a powerful and flexible way to extract meaningful information from input sequences, making it a key component of many state-of-the-art natural language processing models.

HUMAN: I have an idea. Let's say, we extract the attention mechanism of the sequence of tokens. To get the "main point" of a certain input of LLM which is a sequence of words/tokens. Then we just store that sequence in a vector DB, but we just embed the "main point" and not whole sentences.

ASSISTANT: Yes, that's a possible approach. By extracting the attention weights from the Transformer model and using them to identify the most important or relevant tokens in the input sequence, you could effectively summarize the input sequence and store it in a more compact form in a vector database.

One way to do this would be to compute the attention weights for each token in the input sequence, and then select the top-k tokens with the highest attention weights as the "summary" or "main point" of the input sequence. You could then embed these selected tokens using a pre-trained embedding model (such as Word2Vec or BERT) and store the resulting embeddings in the vector database.

This approach would have several advantages. First, it would allow you to store the input sequences in a more compact form, which could save storage space and improve retrieval efficiency. Second, it would allow you to focus on the most important or relevant information in the input sequences, which could improve the accuracy and relevance of the retrieved results. Finally, it would allow you to perform more complex queries on the vector database, such as semantic similarity search or clustering, which could enable new applications and use cases.

Overall, this is a promising approach that combines the power of the attention mechanism in the Transformer with the efficiency and flexibility of vector databases for storing and retrieving complex data.

HUMAN: So, it's basically a promising memory management for LLM?

ASSISTANT: Yes, you could think of it as a form of memory management for large language models (LLMs). By extracting and summarizing the most important information from the input sequences using the attention mechanism, you can effectively compress the input data and store it in a more compact form in a vector database. This can help to reduce the memory and storage requirements of the LLM, making it more efficient and scalable.

Additionally, by storing the summarized information in a vector database, you can perform more complex queries and operations on the data, such as semantic similarity search or clustering. This can enable new applications and use cases for the LLM, such as question answering, information retrieval, or text classification, where the ability to quickly and accurately identify relevant information is critical.

Overall, the use of attention mechanisms and vector databases for memory management in LLMs is a promising area of research and development, with the potential to improve the efficiency, scalability, and functionality of these powerful models.
