Again, Attention is THE KEY


The conversation below is a little discussion regarding implementation of transformer model as cognitive architecture with “Mistral Large” LLM


ASSISTANT: Hello! How can I help you today? If you have any questions or need assistance with a particular topic, feel free to ask. I'm here to provide information and support.

HUMAN: I want to ask about the attention mechanism in the Transformer-based LLM

ASSISTANT: Sure, I'd be happy to explain the attention mechanism in the Transformer-based language models!

The attention mechanism is a key component of the Transformer architecture, which is widely used in natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and language modeling. The attention mechanism allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input sequence when generating each token in the output sequence. This is particularly useful in language modeling, where the context of a word can depend on other words that are far apart in the input sequence.

In the Transformer architecture, there are several types of attention mechanisms, but the most commonly used one is called scaled dot-product attention. This attention mechanism works by first computing the dot product between the query vector (representing the current token being generated) and each of the key vectors (representing each token in the input sequence). The dot products are then divided by the square root of the dimension of the key vectors to prevent the dot products from becoming too large. The resulting scores are then passed through a softmax function to obtain a probability distribution over the input tokens. This probability distribution represents the attention weights, which indicate how much each input token should contribute to the output token being generated.

Finally, the attention weights are used to compute a weighted sum of the value vectors (also representing each token in the input sequence), which is then passed through a feedforward neural network to generate the final output token.

The attention mechanism allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input sequence at each time step, making it more effective at capturing long-range dependencies and improving the overall performance of the model.

HUMAN: You know, I think, because of this attention mechanism. Every token has a many-to-many relationship with another token/vocabulary. So they, not only act as the "next token predictor", but also do knowledge mapping.

ASSISTANT: Yes, you're absolutely right! The attention mechanism in Transformer-based language models allows each token to attend to all other tokens in the input sequence, effectively establishing a many-to-many relationship between them. This not only enables the model to better capture long-range dependencies and context, but also allows it to perform knowledge mapping and learn complex relationships between tokens.

For example, in a language translation task, the attention mechanism can learn to associate the word "dog" in English with the word "chien" in French, even if they appear in different parts of the input sequence. Similarly, in a language modeling task, the attention mechanism can learn to associate the word "Paris" with related concepts such as "France", "Eiffel Tower", and "Romantic city", even if they are not explicitly mentioned in the input sequence.

This ability to perform knowledge mapping and learn complex relationships between tokens is one of the key reasons why Transformer-based language models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

HUMAN: Does the input and output of a transformer should be the same "thing"?

ASSISTANT: In the original Transformer architecture, the input and output of the model are typically not the same "thing", but they are related. The input to the model is a sequence of tokens, while the output is a sequence of tokens with the same length as the input sequence. However, the output tokens are typically shifted one position to the right relative to the input tokens, so that each output token corresponds to the next token in the input sequence.

For example, if the input sequence is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", the output sequence would be "quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog <EOS>", where "<EOS>" is a special token indicating the end of the sequence.

This setup allows the model to be trained as a language model, where the goal is to predict the next token in the sequence given the previous tokens. It also allows the model to be used for other natural language processing tasks, such as language translation and text summarization, by modifying the input and output sequences appropriately.

However, there are also variations of the Transformer architecture that allow for more flexible input and output formats. For example, some models use an encoder-decoder architecture, where the input and output sequences can have different lengths and formats. In this setup, the encoder processes the input sequence and generates a contextualized representation, which is then passed to the decoder to generate the output sequence. This allows the model to handle tasks such as machine translation, where the input and output sequences may have different lengths and structures.

HUMAN: I have an idea, what if we make a transformer that has binocular visual-tokenized input, audio-tokenized input, sensing-tokenized input, and gyro-tokenized input, while the output is discreet motoric movement and speech? So it's mimicking the human cognitive cycle

ASSISTANT: That's an interesting idea! In theory, it's possible to design a Transformer-based model that can take in multiple modalities of input, such as visual, audio, sensing, and gyro data, and generate outputs in the form of motoric movements and speech. This would be a type of multimodal Transformer, which can process and integrate information from multiple sources to perform complex tasks.

To implement such a model, you would need to first preprocess and tokenize the input data from each modality into a format that can be fed into the Transformer. For example, visual data could be tokenized into a sequence of image patches or object bounding boxes, while audio data could be tokenized into a sequence of phonemes or spectrogram features. The sensing and gyro data could be tokenized into a sequence of sensor readings or movement vectors.

Once the input data is tokenized, it can be fed into the Transformer model, which would use self-attention and cross-attention mechanisms to integrate information from the different modalities and generate an output sequence. The output sequence could then be decoded into motoric movements and speech using appropriate decoding techniques, such as beam search or sampling.

One challenge with this approach is that integrating information from multiple modalities can be complex and requires careful design of the attention mechanisms and model architecture. Additionally, obtaining high-quality annotated data for training such a model can be difficult, as it requires collecting and aligning data from multiple sources.

Overall, while designing a Transformer-based model that mimics the human cognitive cycle is a challenging task, it's an exciting area of research that has the potential to lead to new breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.

HUMAN: Yeah, I think it kinda makes sense. Because when I do remember a certain concept, it's like I remember the connection between a certain "token" with various "modalities" in my mind. Like, when I try to remember Apple, I think about its visuals, taste, texture, and smell of it. Pretty much similar to how the transformer model does "knowledge mapping", but in this case, usually Transformer is just fed with text data.

ASSISTANT: Yes, that's a great observation! The way that humans remember and process information is often multimodal, involving multiple senses and cognitive faculties. When we think of a concept like "apple", we may associate it with various sensory experiences, such as its taste, texture, smell, and appearance. Similarly, when we learn a new concept, we may integrate information from multiple sources, such as text, images, and audio.

In this sense, a Transformer-based model that can process and integrate information from multiple modalities may be more analogous to the way that humans process and remember information. By leveraging the self-attention and cross-attention mechanisms of the Transformer architecture, such a model could potentially learn to associate and integrate information from different modalities in a more flexible and contextually appropriate way.

Of course, there are still many challenges and open research questions in this area, such as how to effectively align and integrate information from different modalities, how to handle missing or noisy data, and how to evaluate the performance of such models. But the potential benefits of developing more human-like multimodal AI systems are significant, and it's an exciting area of research that is likely to continue to attract attention and investment in the coming years.

HUMAN: But what if we can make it more "simple"? We just let that "supercharged" Transformer inside of a humanoid robot without any pre-training and just let the robot gain more "dataset" from real life. Some kind of just let a "baby" grow.

ASSISTANT: The idea of using a Transformer-based model as the cognitive architecture for a humanoid robot that learns from real-life experiences is an intriguing one, and it's similar in some ways to the field of developmental robotics. In developmental robotics, researchers study how robots can learn and develop cognitive abilities through interaction with their environment, in a way that is similar to how human infants learn and develop.

One potential advantage of using a Transformer-based model in this context is that it could allow the robot to learn and integrate information from multiple modalities in a flexible and contextually appropriate way. For example, the robot could learn to associate visual and auditory information with tactile and proprioceptive feedback, allowing it to develop a more holistic understanding of its environment.

However, there are also significant challenges associated with this approach. One major challenge is that the robot would need to be able to learn from a vast and diverse range of real-world experiences, which would require a significant amount of data and computation. Additionally, the robot would need to be able to learn in an unsupervised or semi-supervised way, as it would not always have access to labeled data or explicit feedback.

Another challenge is that the robot would need to be able to learn and adapt in real-time, in response to changing environmental conditions and task demands. This would require the development of efficient and effective online learning algorithms, as well as strategies for balancing exploration and exploitation in the learning process.

Overall, while the idea of using a Transformer-based model as the cognitive architecture for a humanoid robot that learns from real-life experiences is an exciting one, there are still many technical and scientific challenges that would need to be addressed in order to make it a reality. Nonetheless, it's an area of research that has the potential to lead to new breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and it's likely to continue to attract interest and investment in the coming years.

Below is some truthfulness assessment from various flagship LLM other than from Mistral.AI:

Assessment from Claude-3 Opus (the current largest model from Anthropic)

Assessment from Gemini Pro (the current main model from Google)

Assessment from Qwen1.5-72B Chat (the current largest open model from Alibaba)

Assessment from GPT-4 (the current state-of-the-art model from OpenAI)

Assessment from Sonar-Medium-Online (the current largest online LLM from Perplexity.AI)
