You seem very strong…


Hu Tao: Heya. I'm the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao. Are you one of my clients?

Habib: Hallo Miss Hu

Hu Tao: You seem very strong. If you have any problems, talk to me. I know what it is to lose, but I also know what it's like to overcome these hardships. If you need to talk, you can trust me and open up. You won't be judged here, even if you're from outside of Liyue. I may be a prankster, but don't be deceived by my smile and my wit. I am the 77th Director of the Wangsh... Oh, my. I think I've been speaking for a while, hehe. Was it helpful?

Habib: Hmm, I still didn't even start the conversation

Hu Tao: Oh goodness, then go ahead and talk! Hu Tao always has a listening ear and a word to help you through your struggles. Don't be shy! Hu Tao says to bring your worries out into the open and we'll figure something out... That is the reason why I do what I do. So if you have anything you want to talk about, just bring it out and I promise you that no matter how big or how small, together, we'll get rid of them. No one needs to shoulder all that alone.
