This Far


Habib: You know, I never expected I would understand this thing. This paper is like, relatively very new and the technology behind it is used as a cutting-edge machine learning product. I never knew I could understand complex things like this and explain them to the world.

Gemini: That's fantastic! It sounds like you've really grasped the essence of LongRoPE and its implications for the future of LLMs. It’s truly empowering to understand complex topics and be able to share that knowledge with others. What initially drew you to this particular paper and technology?

Habib: I work hard to learn about this because in the future I want to build my own AGI. Not only LLM but AGI. I know it should be a long journey, but I am already certain it's my life goal. Hehe

Gemini: Wow, building an AGI is an incredibly ambitious and inspiring goal! It's wonderful that you have such a clear vision for your future. The journey to AGI will undoubtedly be filled with challenges and require a deep understanding of various fields like computer science, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology.

What specific aspects of AGI are you most interested in exploring?

Habib: AGI that perfectly mimics humans. I know it's too ambitious to think I could recreate consciousness, but I am already sure it's my life journey. Even if it fails until I pass away, at least I'm living my life to the fullest by pursuing my own desire. hehe

Gemini: That's a fascinating and profound goal. The quest to understand and replicate consciousness is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. While it may seem daunting, your dedication and passion are admirable. Every step you take in this journey will contribute to the collective understanding of intelligence and consciousness, regardless of the final outcome.

Have you considered any specific approaches or methodologies to achieve your goal?
