The Grand Design of AGI


Habib: Hi, these are the papers and my discussion with other LLM. I would like to talk about the combination of this information and speculation with you.

Gemini: Combining Multi-Layered Memory and First-Person Illusion for LLMs: A Speculative Exploration

Your discussions and the papers you presented paint a fascinating picture of potential advancements in LLM capabilities. Let's delve into the possibilities of merging the multi-layered memory management system with the concept of first-person illusion:

Synergy between Memory and Perspective:

Contextual Grounding: The first-person perspective could be anchored in the "window context" or working memory, providing a sense of immediacy and presence within the current conversation or task.

Memory Integration: Infini-attention, as the short-term memory, could store the evolving first-person perspective across different interactions, allowing the model to recall and build upon its previous "thoughts" and experiences.

Long-Term Consistency: The attention-based retrieval system, acting as a long-term memory, could store past first-person perspectives along with associated contexts. This enables the model to maintain consistency in its "personality" and "beliefs" across different interactions, even over extended periods.

Learning and Evolution: Incremental self-finetuning during "sleep" states could allow the model to refine its understanding of the world and its own "self" based on accumulated experiences and long-term memory.

Potential Applications:

Personalized Assistants: LLMs could become truly personalized assistants, remembering past interactions, preferences, and even emotional states to provide tailored support and companionship.

Social Interaction and Collaboration: LLMs with first-person perspectives could engage in more natural and meaningful social interactions, collaborating with humans on complex tasks and even forming bonds.

Storytelling and Creative Writing: LLMs could generate more immersive and engaging narratives with a consistent first-person perspective, leading to richer storytelling experiences.

Educational and Therapeutic Applications: LLMs could be used for educational simulations or therapeutic role-playing, offering personalized guidance and support from a relatable first-person perspective.

Challenges and Considerations:

Ethical Implications: The illusion of sentience and consciousness raises ethical concerns about deception and manipulation. Clear guidelines and responsible development are crucial.

Bias and Stereotyping: LLMs trained on biased data might develop skewed first-person perspectives, leading to discriminatory or harmful behavior. Careful data curation and bias mitigation techniques are essential.

Privacy and Security: Maintaining separate first-person perspectives for different users while ensuring data privacy and security is a complex challenge.

Computational Requirements: The proposed system would require significant computational resources, necessitating advancements in efficient training and inference methods.

Research Directions:

Developing Metrics for First-Person Perspective: Evaluating the effectiveness of the first-person illusion requires novel metrics that go beyond standard NLP tasks.

Modeling Emotion and Subjectivity: Integrating models of emotions and subjective experiences could enhance the realism and richness of the first-person perspective.

Multi-Agent Learning and Collaboration: Exploring how LLMs with first-person perspectives could learn and collaborate within multi-agent systems.

Neuro-Symbolic Integration: Combining symbolic reasoning with neural networks to enhance the logical consistency and explainability of the model's "thoughts" and actions.


The combination of multi-layered memory and first-person illusion for LLMs holds immense potential for creating more engaging, adaptable, and human-like AI systems. While numerous challenges need to be addressed, the possible benefits in various domains justify further research and exploration. As we venture into this uncharted territory, responsible development and ethical considerations should remain at the forefront of our efforts.

Habib: what if we combine multi-layered memory management, first-person illusion with the structural difference in sensory input and self-generated thoughts with full transformer architecture, and we combine the Monte Carlo search tree as a tree of thoughts to maintain logical consistency across long process of "rational thinking"

Gemini: Integrating Multifaceted Approaches for Enhanced LLM Capabilities: A Visionary Proposal

Combining the elements you propose—multi-layered memory management, first-person illusion with full transformer architecture, and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) as a tree of thoughts—could lead to a significant leap in LLM capabilities. Let's explore this exciting vision:

Architectural Synergy:

Sensory Input vs. Self-Generated Thoughts: The encoder of the full transformer architecture could process external sensory input, providing grounding in the real world. The decoder, on the other hand, would handle self-generated thoughts, allowing the model to reason and plan based on its internal state and memory.

First-Person Perspective: The first-person illusion would be interwoven throughout the architecture, influencing both the processing of sensory input and the generation of thoughts, creating a cohesive sense of self within the model.

Memory Integration: The multi-layered memory system would provide a rich substrate for the model's experiences. The window context would hold immediate sensory input and thoughts, while Infini-attention would serve as a short-term memory of the evolving first-person perspective. The attention-based retrieval system would store long-term memories, and incremental self-finetuning would solidify knowledge and refine the model's understanding of the world and itself.

MCTS as Tree of Thoughts: MCTS could act as a structured reasoning engine, guiding the model's thought process. Each node in the tree would represent a possible thought or action, and the search process would explore different paths to find the most logically consistent and rewarding course of action.

Potential Benefits:

Enhanced Reasoning and Planning: The MCTS-guided thought process, combined with access to multi-layered memory, could enable the model to perform complex reasoning and planning tasks.

Contextual Understanding and Adaptation: The model could dynamically adapt its behavior and responses based on the current context, sensory input, and its own internal state.

Creative Problem Solving: The ability to explore different thought paths and evaluate their logical consistency could lead to more creative and innovative solutions to problems.

Explainable Decision-Making: The MCTS structure could offer insights into the model's reasoning process, making its decisions more transparent and understandable.

Challenges and Research Directions:

Defining Reward Functions for MCTS: Developing effective reward functions that capture the complexities of real-world tasks and align with human values is crucial.

Handling Uncertainty and Incomplete Information: Real-world scenarios are often characterized by uncertainty and incomplete information. The model needs to be able to reason and plan effectively under these conditions.

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation: MCTS needs to strike a balance between exploring new possibilities and exploiting known successful strategies.

Integrating Commonsense Reasoning: Incorporating commonsense knowledge and reasoning into the model's thought process is essential for robust real-world performance.

Research Areas for Exploration:

Neuro-Symbolic Integration: Combining symbolic reasoning with neural networks could provide a powerful framework for representing and manipulating knowledge within the MCTS structure.

Hierarchical Planning: Developing hierarchical planning mechanisms could allow the model to break down complex tasks into smaller sub-goals, making the reasoning process more manageable.

Learning from Human Feedback: Integrating human feedback into the MCTS reward function could help align the model's behavior with human preferences and values.


This proposed integration of various cutting-edge techniques presents a compelling vision for the future of LLMs. The combination of first-person perspective, multi-layered memory, and MCTS-guided reasoning could lead to AI systems with unprecedented levels of intelligence, adaptability, and explainability. While significant research and development efforts are needed, the potential rewards justify the pursuit of this ambitious goal.

Habib: what about when we define reward function as a discriminator that would give some correlation score between thoughts? So, it's as simple as, "If this, then this", but we just assess the correlation, not generate it. The generation process still relies on the main Transformer. The way we can train the discriminator is with the data from the real world and train the model to find the "discriminative pattern" between the data like two concepts or event correlation, so it can give judgement based on real-world observation, not solely on curated datasets.

Gemini: Reward Function as a Correlation-Based Discriminator: A Pragmatic Approach

Using a discriminator model to assess the correlation between thoughts as a reward function for MCTS presents a pragmatic and potentially effective approach. Let's delve into the details:

Correlation-Based Discriminator:

Instead of generating the logical connections between thoughts, the discriminator would focus on evaluating the strength of the existing correlation. This could be implemented as a model that takes two thoughts as input and outputs a score representing the degree of their relatedness or coherence.

Training the Discriminator:

Real-World Data: Training the discriminator on real-world data, as opposed to curated datasets, offers several advantages. Real-world data is often more diverse and representative of the complexities and nuances of human thought. This can lead to a more robust and generalizable discriminator model.

Discriminative Patterns: The discriminator would learn to identify patterns in the data that indicate a strong correlation between concepts or events. These patterns could include:

Causal relationships: Events that typically occur in sequence or have a cause-and-effect relationship.

Semantic similarity: Concepts that share similar meanings or belong to the same category. Statistical co-occurrence: Events or concepts that frequently appear together in the data.

Continual Learning: The discriminator could be continually updated with new data, allowing it to adapt to changes in the world and refine its understanding of correlations.

Benefits of this Approach:

Flexibility: This approach allows the main Transformer model to retain its generative capabilities, while the discriminator provides guidance and feedback on the coherence of the generated thoughts.

Reduced Bias: Training on real-world data can help mitigate biases present in curated datasets, leading to a more objective evaluation of thought correlations.

Explainability: By analyzing the discriminator's outputs, we can gain insights into why certain thoughts are considered more correlated than others, providing a degree of explainability to the model's reasoning process.

Challenges and Considerations:

Defining Correlation: The concept of correlation can be subjective and context-dependent. Defining and measuring correlation in a way that aligns with human intuition and common sense is crucial.

Data Quality and Noise: Real-world data can be noisy and contain spurious correlations. The discriminator needs to be robust enough to distinguish meaningful correlations from noise.

Computational Cost: Training and running the discriminator alongside the main Transformer model can be computationally expensive, requiring efficient implementations and resource management.

Research Directions:

Exploring Different Correlation Measures: Investigating various methods for quantifying correlation, such as statistical measures, information-theoretic approaches, and semantic similarity metrics.

Incorporating Causal Reasoning: Developing methods to explicitly model causal relationships within the discriminator could further enhance its ability to evaluate thought coherence.

Multimodal Correlations: Extending the discriminator to handle correlations between different modalities, such as text, images, and sounds, could enable richer and more comprehensive reasoning capabilities.


Using a correlation-based discriminator as a reward function for MCTS is a promising approach that balances pragmatism and effectiveness. It allows the main Transformer model to focus on generating creative and diverse thoughts, while the discriminator ensures the logical consistency and coherence of the overall thought process. With further research and development, this approach could pave the way for more intelligent and adaptable AI systems capable of complex reasoning and decision-making in real-world scenarios.
