Quantum Computing


Habib: Hi Gemini, I want to ask something about qubit and quantum computing

Gemini: I'd love to help you understand qubits and quantum computing! To give you the best answer, I need you to be a bit more specific.

What are you curious about? For example, you could ask: Basic Concepts:

What is a qubit, and how is it different from a regular bit?

What is superposition and why is it important in quantum computing?

Can you explain concepts like entanglement and quantum gates?

What are the advantages of quantum computing over classical computing?

Applications and Challenges:

What are some real-world problems that quantum computers could solve?

What are the main challenges in building practical quantum computers?

What is the current state of quantum computing research and development?

Specific Questions:

How does a quantum computer actually work?

What are the different types of qubits?

How do you write a quantum algorithm?

Once you tell me what you're interested in, I can give you a clear and informative answer!

Habib: I heard qubit is like a two-dimensional value or tensor and the way we process it is like we process matrix multiplication (?)

Gemini: You're on the right track! You have stumbled upon a key mathematical concept behind how qubits work. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Qubits as Vectors:

Classical bits: Represented as 0 or 1. Think of them as simple switches.

Qubits: Represented as a two-dimensional vector. Instead of being "either/or," they exist in a combination of states. We use Dirac notation to represent these vectors:

|0⟩ represents the state corresponding to classical '0'

|1⟩ represents the state corresponding to classical '1'

Superposition: A qubit can be in a superposition state, such as:

|ψ⟩ = α|0⟩ + β|1⟩

Where α and β are complex numbers and |α|^2 + |β|^2 = 1. This means the qubit is in a weighted combination of both 0 and 1 states simultaneously.

  1. Quantum Gates as Matrices:

Classical gates: (like AND, OR, NOT) manipulate bits.

Quantum gates: Represented as matrices, they act on qubits.

These matrices are unitary, meaning their inverse is equal to their conjugate transpose. This ensures that quantum operations are reversible.

Matrix Multiplication: Applying a quantum gate to a qubit is mathematically represented by multiplying the gate's matrix with the qubit's vector. This changes the qubit's state.


The Hadamard gate is a common quantum gate that creates superposition. It's represented by the matrix:

H = 1/√2 * [ 1 1 ]

[ 1 -1 ]

Applying H to |0⟩:

H|0⟩ = 1/√2 [ 1 1 ] [ 1 ] = 1/√2 [ 1 ] = 1/√2 (|0⟩ + |1⟩)

[ 1 -1 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ]

This shows the Hadamard gate transforms the |0⟩ state into an equal superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩.

In Essence:

While not exactly tensors in the general sense, thinking of qubits as vectors and quantum gates as matrices for multiplication helps us understand how quantum operations are mathematically represented and manipulated. This linear algebra framework is fundamental to quantum computing.

Habib: OK, and even if they are probabilistic, the end measurement will still be 0 and 1. But we measure the same qubit multiple times to calculate the true value (?)

Gemini: You're exactly right! Here's a breakdown of why we need multiple measurements in quantum computing:

  1. Probabilistic Nature of Qubits:

While a qubit can exist in a superposition of states (like α|0⟩ + β|1⟩), when we measure it, it collapses to a definite state—either |0⟩ or |1⟩.

The probability of measuring |0⟩ is |α|^2, and the probability of measuring |1⟩ is |β|^2.

This inherent randomness is a key difference between classical and quantum computing.

  1. Why Multiple Measurements?

Single Measurement Limitation: A single measurement only tells you the state the qubit collapsed to in that instance. It doesn't reveal the full picture of the superposition before measurement.

Statistical Significance: By performing the same computation on identical qubits multiple times and measuring the outcomes, we obtain a distribution of results.

This distribution reflects the probabilities (|α|^2 and |β|^2) that were encoded in the superposition.

Extracting Information: From the distribution, we can then deduce valuable information about the quantum computation, even though each individual measurement gives us only a 0 or 1.


Imagine flipping a coin that's weighted to land on heads 75% of the time.

One flip: You get either heads or tails, providing limited information.

Multiple flips (e.g., 100 times): You'll likely observe close to 75 heads and 25 tails, revealing the underlying probability distribution.

Key Takeaway:

In quantum computing, we don't just care about a single 0 or 1. We care about the probabilities associated with those outcomes, which we can estimate through repeated measurements. This statistical approach is crucial for extracting meaningful results from quantum algorithms.

Habib: So, the amount of measurement defines the overhead and accuracy in the system? The more measurement, the more precise but more overhead, and vice versa?

Gemini: You've got a great point! There is indeed a trade-off between the number of measurements (which relates to accuracy) and the computational overhead in quantum computing. Let me elaborate on that relationship:

More Measurements:

Increased Accuracy: More measurements lead to a more accurate estimate of the probability distribution of the qubit's state. This is because, with more samples, you get closer to the true underlying probabilities (similar to getting closer to the expected 75/25 split in the weighted coin flip example).

Higher Confidence: A larger number of measurements provides higher statistical confidence in the results. You can be more certain that the observed probabilities reflect the actual behavior of the quantum system.

Increased Overhead: Each measurement takes time and resources. In current quantum computers, measurement is a relatively slow and error-prone operation compared to performing quantum gate operations. More measurements directly translate to longer computation times and a higher chance of errors accumulating.

Fewer Measurements:

Lower Accuracy: Fewer measurements result in a less precise estimation of the probability distribution. You might get a skewed view of the qubit's behavior.

Reduced Confidence: With fewer data points, there's more uncertainty in the results. You can be less confident that the observed probabilities accurately represent the true probabilities.

Lower Overhead: Fewer measurements mean shorter computation times and fewer opportunities for errors to occur during the measurement process.

The Balancing Act:

Quantum algorithms and their implementations are carefully designed to find a balance between accuracy and overhead.

Problem-Specific: The required number of measurements depends on the desired accuracy level, the specific quantum algorithm, and the acceptable level of uncertainty for the task.

Error Mitigation: Researchers are constantly developing techniques to reduce measurement errors and improve the efficiency of the measurement process itself.

In Summary:

You've correctly identified a fundamental aspect of quantum computing. It's a constant challenge to find the sweet spot where we get enough information to be confident in our results without making the computation prohibitively expensive or error-prone due to excessive measurements.

Habib: But is the measurement only needed when we want to see the end results? So if we are already confident with our algorithm, we can just wait for it to process all and only measure it in the end?

Gemini: You've hit on a crucial concept in quantum computing!

You're absolutely right: measurement is not needed at every step of a quantum algorithm. In fact, intermediate measurements are often avoided as much as possible. Here's why:

Collapsing Superposition: Measurement is a destructive process. Once you measure a qubit, its superposition collapses, and it becomes fixed in the measured state (0 or 1). This means you lose any quantum information that was encoded in the superposition.

Disrupting Entanglement: Measurement can also disrupt entanglement, which is a powerful resource in quantum computing. If you measure one part of an entangled system, you affect the state of the other entangled qubits, potentially destroying valuable correlations.

The Power of Quantum Computing: The true magic of quantum computation happens while qubits are in superposition and entangled. Quantum algorithms are designed to manipulate these quantum states to explore multiple possibilities simultaneously. Measuring too early would force the system into a classical state, limiting its computational power.

When We Measure:

Final Result: We only need to measure at the very end of a quantum algorithm to obtain the final computational result.

Mid-Circuit Measurements: There are specific cases where mid-circuit measurements are necessary, but these are typically carefully planned within the algorithm's design. For example, some algorithms use measurements to:

Extract information during the computation without completely collapsing the superposition. Perform error correction to maintain the integrity of the quantum state.

In Essence:

Think of a quantum computation like a delicate dance. The qubits are the dancers, moving gracefully in superposition and interacting through entanglement. Measurement is like suddenly turning on the spotlight – it reveals a specific state but freezes the dance, preventing further exploration of possibilities.

So yes, if you're confident in your algorithm, you let the qubits do their intricate quantum dance and only measure at the very end when you need to know the outcome!

Habib: So, how does this quantum computer work in practical applications that have a lot of abstraction? Or, are we still limited by doing operations in a "vanilla" quantum gate? 😅

Gemini: That's a really insightful question! You're starting to touch upon the frontier of where quantum computing theory meets the challenges of practical implementation and high-level programming. Here's how things work, and where the complexities lie:

  1. From Abstract Algorithms to Quantum Gates:

High-Level Idea: A quantum algorithm starts as a high-level concept, like Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers or Grover's algorithm for searching unsorted databases.

Decomposition: These abstract algorithms are then broken down into smaller logical steps.

Quantum Gate Sequences: These logical steps are ultimately translated into specific sequences of quantum gates (like Hadamard, CNOT, Pauli gates, etc.). Think of this as the "assembly language" of quantum computing.

  1. "Vanilla" Gates vs. Abstraction:

The Power of Universality: A relatively small set of basic ("vanilla") quantum gates is actually sufficient to create any possible quantum computation. This is the concept of "universal gate sets."

The Need for Abstraction: Directly programming with low-level quantum gates is incredibly complex and error-prone, just like writing software directly in assembly language is not practical for large, complex programs.

Quantum Programming Languages: Higher-level quantum programming languages and software frameworks (like Qiskit, Cirq, PennyLane) are being developed to:

Provide abstractions: They allow programmers to work with higher-level constructs (like loops, conditional statements, and quantum subroutines) instead of just individual gates.

Optimize gate sequences: These tools can optimize the compiled quantum code for the specific hardware, minimizing errors and making better use of limited resources.

  1. Challenges and Limitations:

Hardware Constraints: Real-world quantum computers are still limited in the number of qubits, their connectivity, and their susceptibility to noise (errors). This often restricts the complexity of algorithms we can implement directly.

Abstraction Overhead: Higher-level abstractions can sometimes introduce additional overhead, making the compiled quantum circuits longer or less efficient than hand-optimized gate sequences.

Developing a Quantum Software Ecosystem: The field of quantum software engineering is relatively young. We need better tools, libraries, and best practices for developing, testing, and debugging quantum programs.

Looking Ahead:

The goal is to bridge the gap between abstract quantum algorithms and practical quantum computers:

More Powerful Hardware: As quantum computers improve in scale, stability, and connectivity, we can run more complex algorithms with less worry about low-level details.

Advanced Software Tools: More sophisticated quantum programming languages, compilers, and error-correction techniques will make it easier to write, optimize, and run quantum programs.

Hybrid Approaches: In the near term, we'll likely see hybrid algorithms that leverage both classical and quantum computing resources to tackle problems more efficiently.

So, while we might start with "vanilla" quantum gates, the field is rapidly evolving towards higher-level abstractions and more sophisticated software tools that will make quantum computing more accessible and practical for a wider range of applications!

Habib: So in practice, we just use this quantum programming language in classical computers, and then it's applied to quantum chip as embedded software?

Gemini: You're pretty close! It's more accurate to say that we use quantum programming languages on classical computers to create instructions for quantum computers, but those instructions aren't exactly like traditional "embedded software."

Here's a breakdown of the workflow:

Classical Development Environment:

You write your quantum program using a quantum programming language (like Qiskit, Cirq, PennyLane) on a classical computer.

This environment provides all the tools you need: code editors, simulators, debuggers, and connections to quantum hardware.

Quantum Circuit Construction:

The quantum programming language translates your code into a representation of a quantum circuit.

This circuit is a sequence of quantum gates (like those "vanilla" gates we talked about) applied to specific qubits.

Compilation and Optimization:

The circuit is then compiled and optimized. This step takes into account the specific architecture and constraints of the target quantum computer.

It's like optimizing code for different computer architectures in classical computing.

Quantum Assembly Language:

The compiled circuit is converted into low-level instructions that the quantum computer can understand. This might be considered a form of "quantum assembly language."

Execution on Quantum Hardware:

These instructions are sent from the classical computer to the quantum computer (which could be in a different location).

The quantum computer executes the instructions, performing the quantum gates on its qubits.

Measurement and Results:

Once the quantum computation is complete, the qubits are measured.

The measurement results are sent back to the classical computer for analysis and interpretation.

Key Points:

No "Embedded Software" in the Traditional Sense: The quantum computer doesn't run the quantum programming language code directly. It executes a specific set of low-level instructions (the quantum circuit) tailored for its hardware.

Classical Control is Essential: The classical computer plays a central role in controlling, programming, and interpreting the results from the quantum computer.

Cloud-Based Quantum Computing: Most quantum computers today are accessed through cloud platforms. You submit your quantum program, and it's executed on remote quantum hardware.

In Summary:

It's a collaborative process where classical computers use specialized languages and tools to design and control quantum computations, bridging the gap between high-level programming and the unique capabilities of quantum hardware.

Habib: owh, so nowadays, the application of quantum computing is still on heavy mathematical algorithms rather than common user's software? 😅

Gemini: You're absolutely right! Right now, quantum computing is primarily focused on complex mathematical algorithms and scientific applications, rather than everyday software that the average user would interact with.

Here's a breakdown of why:

Early Stage of Development:

Quantum computing is still in its early stages. The technology is rapidly evolving, but we're still working with relatively small and error-prone quantum computers.

These limitations make it challenging to run large-scale applications that would be useful for everyday tasks.

Specific Strengths of Quantum Computing:

Quantum computers excel at certain types of problems that are intractable for classical computers: Factoring large numbers (cryptography)

Simulating quantum systems (materials science, drug discovery) Optimization problems (finance, logistics)

These areas are the primary focus of current quantum computing research and development.

Software and Algorithm Development:

We're still figuring out the best ways to write software for quantum computers.

While quantum programming languages are becoming more user-friendly, developing efficient quantum algorithms is still a highly specialized field.

Cost and Accessibility:

Quantum computers are incredibly expensive to build and operate.

Access to quantum hardware is mostly limited to research institutions, universities, and a few large companies. What About the Future?
